About the Author
I’m Beka Lawson. For me, creative writing is about freedom. I love creative writing because I can say what I want. You can’t say I’m wrong. In fact, I’m correct!
I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Montclair State University, with a minor in Creative Writing.
When I’m not writing, I’ve got my nose in a novel or manga, or I’m watching anime or wrecking it up in a video game. Current favorites include N.K. Jemisin, Tracy Deonn, Q Hayashida, and the Fallout series.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to build a publishing company that showcases the unique creations of writers of color. From novels and short stories to comics, films and radio dramas, we’re building a vibrant galaxy of creativity.
Meteors represent the sudden strike of inspiration, and the dandelion seed inside symbolizes the birth of a new story that grows in the fertile soil of imagination.
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